מה אומרים על יוסי גינסברג
על ההרצאה- Bringing Amazon survival skills to businessIt's always a challenge to find speakers of the right caliber for these high profile events. Your story of survival against all odds was both fascinating and challenging. You possess the extremely rare gift of a great storyteller with the ability to create word pictures which capture the imagination of an audience and take them on a journey with you. We look forward to an opportunity to work with you again in the future."
Wendy Hand
Managing Partner Big Yellow Suitcase
על ההרצאה- Bringing Amazon survival skills to business
"After hearing Yossi speak last year at the Corporate Lunch, I felt he would be an ideal candidate to inspire and encourage our Sales Team to new heights and to push the boundaries. I am pleased to say that Yossi’s speech/presentation did achieve the desired result. Everyone who participated in the evening had nothing but glowing references and felt an enormous sense of exhilaration in recounting Yossi’s story. I would not hesitate to recommend him to other companies thinking of using him in a similar situation."
Brendan Nicholls
Manager Precision Instruments Division, Olympus
על ההרצאה- Bringing Amazon survival skills to business
"I was fortunate to be a member of a conference in which Yossie Ghinsberg was one of the guest speakers. In my opinion and that of many delegates to whom i spoke, Yossie was the most moving presenter at the conference. He has that unique and uncanny ability to tell a story in three dimensions, with passion and leave you on the edge of your seat. When he concluded his story, we all felt like standing up and cheering that he had been rescued just in time. His real message was powerful as well. I was taken by the way that he told his simple story about how he looked at the world differently after he had been given his life back. The story of four adventurers heading off into the Amazon was colorful, rich and vivid. The experience of losing his best friend will live with me for many years to come. I would strongly recommend Yossi as a keynote speaker at any future conference where you wish the audience to be entertained, motivated and reflect on their own lives. Like me, they may consider their golas for the future."
Peter Martindale
AXA Financial Advice